Building on your Strengths 

When we want life to get better we have a choice in how to proceed.  We can focus on our weaknesses to bring them up to speed or focus on things that make us feel strong.  Our strengths are those things that we look forward to, that feel effortless, where we get great results and feel in our element.

We know that superior performers spend more of their time doing what they are best at. Focusing on developing your talents into strengths is energising and will give you a greater return than focusing on what you are not good at.  Put your energy into what you do really well and manage those things you don't do so well.

In business, psychology, education and social therapy the strengths approach is switching people on to building on their strengths in order to get great results.  Tapping into your passion can open new horizons.

When put as bluntly as this, it seems an easy choice.

Building your strengths is a half day program designed to help you do more of what you are best at.

Why Strengths?

Life is short.  In order to get everything we can from life we need the opportunities to be the best we can be.  It is worth investing in learning how to do more of what you are best at.

At the completion of this program, you will be able to:

  • Identify your strengths

  • Learn how to have strengths based conversations

  • Learn to apply the strengths approach to your own life

  • Get better results at what you are doing by leading with your strengths

  • Learn to build on your strengths and manage your weaknesses

  • Manage others through their strengths and build better working relationships

"The workshop was extremely well received and the feedback was excellent... we will explore more of what we do well; leverage from this; and apply strengths based conversations.  The Workshop provided reinforcement and a positive way forward."

Dianne Holman Faculty of Business NMIT

Your strengths will always support you and bring you through on top - so invest in them.


"Celia introduced a number of valuable processes that have changed the way our key staff approach their daily tasks, this has also had a cascading affect on other staff who now are developing more confidence in the way they communicate with our clients. Celia is energetic and passionate about her coaching which was adjusted to our specific requirements. Celia has the capacity to adapt to different levels of attendees and get the message through in a powerful, but meaningful manner. A sound investment." 

Simon Conn Director Pallet Control 

"Celia impressed as a professional and well researched facilitator. She brings to senior corporate assignments a sound and strategic theoretical framework. 

I found her services to be excellent, particularly in suggesting new approaches tailored to our needs." 

John Barrett Executive South Australia Public Sector 

"Celia has an unusual ability to listen with great care. She provided insight and helped me to clarify ideas and broaden my thinking." 

Linette Etheredge Documentary Film Maker 

"Celia is vibrant enthusiastic and really inspired the staff through her knowledge of our needs and what we need to do to achieve our goals." 

Michael Anderson TAFE Development Centre 

 "It’s a miracle. I didn’t believe that anyone could get the executive team to work so well together." Marketing Manager, Public Utility